On the left of the Shotgun Spawn screenshot, there appears to be a hole, underneath the double box. I was curious: Is the hole intentional, or...
Incredible; I've never seen a multi-level map look so fabulous. And while I'm blown away by the looks of this map, that game-play video really...
Incredible; Flawless architecture and merging, creative and original flow of both players and vehicles, and all tied up in the lofty bounds of the...
The map seems a little sparse to me; The outer branches which accommodate the Hornets have very little cover to give players a respite from BR or...
The aesthetics of this map are superb! Great work! -=Moxus=-
Exceptional attention to detail; Great Work! -=Moxus=-
I really like the idea of having a Hornet as a central weapon on this map: You don't see many vehicles, let alone aircraft, as neutral targets on...
In that case, your map is in the incorrect section. The casual maps section is for maps "that mainly focus on relaxing and having fun". If your...
From my point of view, this map suffers from two main difficulties: The darkness, and the scale. While both of these difficulties are rectifiable,...
Thanks :). I hope you enjoy the map! -=Moxus=-
I'm rather fond of the architectural style of this map's structures: The careful and creative use of merging forms a unique and cohesive set of...
Thanks very much! I look forward to your feedback. -=Moxus=-
Could you specify some areas in which you think interlocking would improve performance or aesthetics? Otherwise, I'm not quite sure where...
Compaction [img] Download Compaction is a small, multi-tiered, extremely close-quarters map, set in the holding area of a Traxus warehouse. In...
Don't you worry, I have no intention of doing any modding for the Xbox 360 :happy:, just Forging. My modding stays firmly within the realm of Halo...
Slick map you've got here! The track seems to be exceptionally smooth, and crafted with a great deal of care. That said, however, it strikes me as...
I'm absolutely astounded by the design and aesthetics of this map. I'm looking forward to trying it out! Exceptional job! -=Moxus=-
Hello There! Although it's been quite a while since I've registered, I've not really used my account until this time. Therefore, I thought it...
Unbelievable. Just unbelievable. -=Moxus=-
Flag Betrayals Not sure if we'll count this as a weapon, but I'm betrayed for possession of the flag every now and again. Just a few days ago, I...