Will do, I'd be happy for the help. -=Moxus=-
My understanding is that Halo 3 maps only included certain weapons in their coding, probably as a space-saving measure to ensure that map files...
[img] "Not what you expected, huh?" 3-8 players. Background: In the few lucky times I had to play on Longshore, there was one thing which...
Agreed on all three counts; while I haven't seen this idea before, the rooms could use some nice sprucing up besides gold columns and red/blue...
Concept looks good, forging not so much; in the first two pictures, there are numerous places in which the map could easily be fixed up for a...
I'm hardly a good example of this, but asymmetry is often a good way to make maps a little more interesting; asymmetry allows for greater creative...
Aesthetically, this is exceptional; the custom tiles in the bases make excellent centerpieces, and the arches surrounding the equipment are a...
Beautiful; it's an attractively simple, yet functional, chamber where 2 or more people can duke it out using Halo 3's favourite weapon....
The geometry of the bases and some of the caves actually looks pretty good, but the bulk of the useable space in the crypt has been left vacant....
The Mines is a really refreshing change from the typical open-topped, bending tracks which loop about the skybubble. If for nothing else, that...
The forging could use some fixing up - the wall segments aren't even, and there are gaps in the structures. Moreover, the lack of roofs and unique...
You've got some really nice interlocked geometry here. I'm especially liking the teleporter pads; the grass combined with the custom teleporter...
I would argue that since time was so tight, perhaps releasing at a later time would be better? -=Moxus=-
I like the thought that you've put into making areas of the map destructible - instead of making clear cut-paths into the base, you're letting...
Erm, it seems kind of messy; I feel like the whole dark forest feel could have been done better using things like merged Obelisks rather than wood...
As Combat Penguin pointed out, I think the offensive Base could use a little more TLC; in the event the defensive people decide to go on the...
This reminds me of a Halo: Custom Edition map I once played, in that it's both uniquely designed, and looks very professional. Definitely a map...
There is that. I think the aesthetic proposition was pretty good. -=Moxus=-
There's one critical error: The side of the central structure that was originally buried by sand should be like the exposed other side; stone...
The archways and advanced map geometry really make this map shine. Its obvious that a great deal of time and attention went into not only...