Covies. I find the Covenant aesthetic is a spectacular design scheme, but has gone untapped throughout previous Halo games. That in mind, I'd...
This discussion is a lot like the one which went on when tools started to get made for Halo Demo modding; the Hex modders thought the tools made...
While the Pelican is pretty awesome, I can't help but wonder if some of the resources used to build it could've been put to better use; since it...
From what I can tell, the design and execution of the map looks sound. Actually, I don't think the map is the issue: you need to work on your...
We were actually doing pretty good up until that. I'll echo the statements of my fellow members, and recommend filling in the abundance of space...
I never said I didn't like you "sharing"; that's putting words in my mouth. As for the acknowledgement, I'd argue that if such is truly how you...
@ Reading: I recognize that it may not take long to read, but the track record for reading large paragraphs on the internet isn't particularly...
If you're so sick of it, perhaps you should shorten your posts so that users won't skip the wall of text. Similarly, you could include pictures...
Whether they're coming later or not at all, it's still against forum policy to post a map without screenshots. In future, perhaps one should wait...
I'd be kind of concerned if you got off on the Wraith. That said, minus the 1337 sp3ak and the incredible glare, 'tis not bad. An interesting,...
All things considered, this looks like a pretty accurate redux of the hangar bay area; down to the doors, everything seems like it's in place, and...
Query: Why build the map in the skybubble if it wasn't going to make use of the sky, or was to be contained by walls? It would've saved such...
For the curious, a translation: Red starting point (above text) and Blue flag spawn (below text)....
You need to add another layer of double boxes to the containing walls; as the map is now, a player of intermediate jumping ability could easily...
From what I can see in that picture, the forging here is pretty sloppy; if you look at the tower of tube pieces going from the lower level to the...
Good concept and execution, but doesn't offer a whole lot in comparison to maps such as ripulikuolema's BR Box. Elaborating on the dome a little...
The map really feels like it's missing something; whether it'd be a more complex/engaging structure, or verticality, or interconnectivity,...
Erm, not to get too nitty-gritty, but the name doesn't really fit the map; normally, map names are meant to reflect an aspect, defining feature,...
Epic constructions beyond fathoming. Either that or desolate metal plains leading off into the vacuum of space. Take your pick. -=Moxus=-
I thought we had settled that via PM? I realize that the map itself leaves more than a little bit to be desired in terms of flare, but Shore...