You wonder why I'm acting like a prick? Because of jack-assery like this that I'm subjected to time and time again.
I don't think anyone is wondering why you are acting like a prick.
You should add a bunch of the active forgers. You are bound to get an invite for some customs.
Shnitzel, you seem really salty that Orion didn't get in, but hey, what do I know? I'm brain dead! The fact that I can even write this is a miracle!
It finally comes out! Orion didn't get it. Get over it.
No I was just ending my statement
I like the stick figures. That is all.
I like Eden. Commence the rage!
After walking areound I noticed the smae problem zandril pointed out. that top position just seems too powerful as it is.
Thanks man! Its nice to see the design come this far! Its really sad to see that slayer isn't one of the gametypes for Epicborough keep. In my...
Athelon shoulda been one of those, but Ill take t!
I have recently fixed a few spawns and added a little more playspace. You can find it in my fileshare as verse vBest.
I have read that first sentence like 10 times and Im still not sure what you are saying
I like how the description is just a synonym to the name.
343 thinks they have nice setting. 343 thinks. They need to stop that.
The real kicker is that you would think that surely if the pros like tesla, then they would be blown away by a well forged midship, but no.
Looks solid. I think you should try to pull green in and make it even scale wise with the rest of the map. It just seems way too big.
I really like when a maps name actually represents the map, intead of just some random verb or noun.
But awesome
I really didn't know that was a thing. I feel stupid.