It's short and uninformative, but I can't blame Bungie at all. Mebbe next week, 'eh?
I got this on Saturday, and played it all night long. Completed story mode too! It's such an awesome game. I knew it would be, loving UT2004 and...
It's got blue teleporters. Awesome.
Mebbe that could be the secret forge room! You know what Bungie are like with their maps. They're more than likely to have extra bits to load,...
Actually, this looks really interesting. I love room based combat! I'll DL and Edit with my thoughts/ opinions. [Edit]: I love how this map gives...
Hi thar! I'm either a vehicle specialist or an objective (predominantly CTF) specialist. I play Halo almost every night. I'm on from about 5 to...
That's what I was going for lol. On the Halo 3 forums people were all "I can haz Terminal now?" So I made something that was almost nothing like...
Desktop/Laptop: Laptop The manufacturer/Brand: Toshiba Monitor: Widescreen Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition Hard drive: Approx 40GB CPU:...
A different, well made map on a map that isn't Foundry. Kudos for thinking outside of the box there. This looks like ultimate fun, I'll see if I...
By the time it came to adding cover, I was running out of money. That said, I like the Hang 'Em High style dumpsters. Cheap and effective =P But...
This truly is such a new and wonderful concept. Loved every minute I played on this.
It's a shame, because in the bungie post you've almost got this all right. I'll DL and tell you what I think, but only because I'm interested.
I hope everyone enjoys it, but if H1 and H2 fans enjoy it too, then that's awesome. There's also 4 plasma grenades in each open single box,...
Thanks for the comments guys! The reason the bridge isn't turned over is because they look like train tracks more this way. Apart from that keep...
I could, but then they wouldn't look like a train track, which was the point =P
Map title: Rejection Though the humans perished, their machines live on. 4-10 players. All gametypes supported. Download Map [IMG] Oh man, here...
How do I download it? Your link seems not to be working =S
Initial looks review [I DLed and looked on forge] Initial spawning - Good. I spawned on my side everytime, and the starting spawn didn't...
From the looks of it there's only one way up to sniper. I can't say I like maps which only have one way to places, but I'll DL and give you shout...
I absolutely <3 that first picture. Makes me want to download it just because of it.. so I will!! I'll be back later with opinions =)