:p +2
I love Rock Band (and RB 2) with such a passion. It's so much more polished than GH:WT could ever be, and it makes parties feel so much better. I...
We have stuff called relentless around here. My friends seem to like it =/
thax =D
Pep pillz. And water, I 'spose :P
That truely is pretty fantasmic.
If you liked the demo, it's definatly worth a buy. It's just super dooper!
Aww man, sounds awesome. Shame England has no such thing..
Can I ask what Black Friday is? I'm either out of the loop or just stupid.
Just try these things again later. If you try in hour intervals, for a couple of days and it still doesn't work, then try phoning the Microsoft.
L4D = Left for Dead =) And I think he tried throwing it on the Hard Disk, and it didn't work.. I would say return it and try a neew disk. If it...
He triple posted? I thought he just posted as a reply to three people? In any case, you've got a nice looking map. A little too vertical...
Wait, isn't today the 5th?
I will throw Halo 3 on there, I only have 7Gigs left of space on my 20-ish Gig HDD. Hopefully, I'll have enough space.
Totally gonna recieve the code for the original. Got my pre-order in off of play =) Can't wait for this, the vehicle customisation is just my thing.
Iiiiis the scart plugged in? Sometimes if some connections are rubbish/ non-existant, it'll give you some lights.
Nnnnnnnnnnnnot in the UK.
Sounds like it's gonna kick face.
Hey! Come on man, not even a spoiler? The game's not out yet, ya know?