Be glad this isn't scorehero. Also, Panic Attack isn't overcharted, it, like Constant Motion, is undercharted if anything.
Pinball Wizard (and Chop Suey!, B.Y.O.B., etc.) are all about getting the rhythm down, other than that I can't help you much. As for the...
Desperate Times, Desperate Measures is part of the free 20 songs that come with Rock Band 2. They're going to be released on the 4th. Full free...
This thread makes me feel good after being on scorehero. I get 385k+ on GGaHT every run, and I've golded it. :D (I also 5* Afterlife, Constant...
Harmonix has zero artists exclusive to the Rock Band series. Rush, Megadeth, A7X, Mastodon, and all the other bands that are in RB2 but not in...
Quick note, the only bands that are confirmed to be exclusive to GH are Aerosmith, Van Halen and the Eagles. RB has no exclusive artists, because...
First off, Maps is far more fun than people want to admit. Second, there is no confirmed reason, but there was a "leaked" pack that included a...
The guy who charted this will be getting GH:WT. I fear his customs Also, Schism alone trumps all the non-Tool songs. Combined.
Well if you ever do get more songs, those would be your best bets. And I did post in that thread a little while back if castle crashers is a good...
Well, here some suggestions for you to check out if you feel like it; Either Working Man (cover is harder, but the master sounds better and is...
Well I understand that method, I actually buy based solely on if I dislike it intensely. What I mean by that is, if I don't hate it, I get it....
In the last three weeks, I got Peace Sells... But Who's Buying? (full album, seven songs), the 4 song RB tour pack, exported my RB1 songs (55...
All current information points to November, a month after the PS2/3 and Wii get it in the US. At least it isn't next November. I have around 330...
It's a co-op game. If you know anyone on XBL who owns it, or you have friends in the area and extra controllers, get it. If you're Ted Kaczynski,...
Well see, what I meant was the long single note altstrumming where it would be, say a long stretch of blue notes. I do actually strum only what's...
If I may make a suggestion on the subject of Give It All's strumming, the bass part has a nearly identical strum rhythm, but without the chords,...