Yeah but there is an object limit...
It looks like a panda
Save the screenshots on and then go on ImageShack® - Image Hosting and clic browse and then choose the screenshot you wan't to upload,...
Ok j'arrive dans genre 10 minutes.
I like lights, I just hate the purple lights, they are not even nice. And I said that the BKs will cry because of the filters, not because of the...
Witch one? EDIT: Ok I deleted it.
I made Hill House like 2 weeks ago and Sanatarium about 1 month ago...
You are the leader of Zombies Inc. ? I'd like to join, can I?
OMG... you have 117 comments...
Download the map... you'll see how the destroyed wall is beatiful with the scorpion, Its because of the angle of the screenshot...
__________________________________________________ SANATARIUM __________________________________________________ Created by: Joe is Outside and...
No the guardian towers are not blocked... its just because some guys go away like the dude in the pic and they can camp here. This is the only...
I played on it with you and it was really cool, the gameplay was smooth and there is almost no bumps... but you should do a 1 flag map with this...
Pixel is very nice because you can see the helmet of the spartan... its my favorite...
I suggest changing the name... because I think that I saw this name like 10 times... and effects on Competetive maps is always bad... All the BK...
Breakable means that you can go outside of the map... But the trees, I never saw those trees... and they are so nice... but can the Barricades...
First thing I see, is that it is really too dark... I suggest Juicy and Colorblind effects because they will give you a gloomy effect but not too...
__________________________________________________ HILL HOUSE __________________________________________________ Created by: Joe is Outside...