2 more downloads and It will be the 1000th download
Really nice map, It is way bigger then mine, and I really like how the zombie respawn... Good job.
No, I don't have a problem, and even if I had a problem, what could I do?!.. Bring out your map. I don't know if it would be nice with "Save...
__________________________________________________ COLD CAVE __________________________________________________ Created by: Joe is...
How do you merge the truck, cuz I only know how to merge with the doors and with the ghost merging... I know that I have to put a Tp on it after...
I just realised that he is in possetion of two plasma grenades... so fake...
I think that you should make the No mans land more aesthetic... because it doesnt really look like a graveyard, but the Beaccon defender's looks...
I really like the first version, with the infection gametype, I don't know if this version will be good enough to replace the old one...
Holly ****, 22 comments in about 10 minutes?!
I'm calm :) I can take constructive critisism... "Your map is bad" is not a constructive criticism, you can Edit your post, I don't care, it just...
YOU seen this a long time ago, maybe not everyone... and its not because you don't like it that everyone els won't like it, the best exemple is, 3...
Srsly pointless O.o Yeah good grammar and well written but its just a plain pointless comment.
I think its fake... Its the first time I see this and its impossible...
__________________________________________________ MINI FOUNDRY __________________________________________________ Created by: Joe is...
Yeah, exactly... They are verry nice. I'll edit my post and give you credits... :)
This is why I made the little house...
Maybe about 4 times, 1st time, it was to see if the map was correct, 2nd time, I tried a gametype, 3rd time too and 4th time we tried the gametype...
__________________________________________________ SNIPER STRIPES __________________________________________________ Created by: Joe is...
I'magine if there would be 15 elites... it would be pretty damn funny... Good job, its the first screenshot like that that I see... but I'm pretty...
I really like Lair and Evil emperor but where did you take the screenshot Lair?