How to become a respectable member Okay, so it isn't urgent. Recently, I've seen an influx of... how should I put it? Stupidity amongst the...
Thanks for the input. I actually wrote this after comparing your reviews with the majority.
Writing a map review Over my (short) ForgeHub lifespan, I've noticed a lot of users posting reviews that look a little something like this: very...
Could you change the topic title for me, please? It says I have it changed, but it's not showing up. Thanks again.
Update version .2 added, people. Changes, fixes, and additions include: -Added single open boxes for added cover -New ramp adding a second way up...
Thanks a lot for that review. You're right- I appreciate an actual review rather than the usual two to three word response. As for your...
Thanks for voting in the poll.
I'm aware of that one. In testing, it never really happened (other than in the heat of action when they were running off the edge anyway) so I...
I actually have looked at your maps, and I like them a lot. The map is supposed to be small, it's meant for 2 vs. 2 and 1 vs. 1. I wanted it easy...
You HONESTLY think I copied you? Wow. It isn't hard at all to get past the boundaries, friend. It's common knowledge.
I was just being an idiot while rating that, I hope everyone knows. They are there to act as guardrails from falling off- trust me, you'll be...
S P I N A C H S U C K S [IMG] By ItalyanStalyun Changes from version .1 to .2: -Added single open boxes for added cover -New ramp adding a...
Yes, sir. Thanks for everything so far, guys.
Thanks, this is what it's all about.
Ah, this is the audience I was looking for. I'm sure you'll find that Transsiberian will bring out the driver in you when you play a few games on it.
I'm not sure how many times I'll need to say this- I want it to be open. This is a map made for driving around, not confining players. I...
Overview added. Like I said, this map is meant for driving. It's supposed to be wide open spaces, with things (like ramps, V.I.P. buildings,...
It's made to be wide open- you don't want to drive in a cramped space. Overview coming in like, 5 minutes.
[IMG] A wheelman's snowy dream. Download | Transport Gametypes: Transport (download link above) V.I.P. variants King of the Hill variants...
Believe me, I've considered it. I just don't want to go completely insane. It's going to be an 'assault the huge base' map, not unlike Castlelanche.