well from the pic this map looks like is very small and is all tunnles.. i looks like you did some good forgeing. this could be fun to play...
i would strongly reccomend to not make and maps on valhalla or othere old maps because there are very few thing you can make or do. they ushaly...
this map look like you put some time and effort into it it look like it would be fun to play and i think i will try it out the only thing i can...
if you want people to play or download you should put some picon it you can use many sites which will allow you to put your pic up.
wow this looks well made and looks like you put alot of time into it. It seems that it would be fun to play on, ill download it and try it out...
this map look fun but i has been done before but i think that you did this better then many other ones. i would give you a 3 out of 5 well done.
o hey
hey there
wow guys i dident give away the map or it isent to short look at it for your selft its perfectly fine gosh.
ya it dose last alot more than 3 minutes
Confusion The map Confusion is a fun and well made puzzle map. When going through the map you will find 6 main rooms with sometimes several...
looks like a fun and good map to play on i like the idea that it is a V shape 3/5
ya i wanted it to be hard and thats why you have bubble shields and plus i ran out of money so i couldnet make a back wall and plus with no back...
Duck Hunt In the map Duck Hunt there is a sniper at one end of the map and at the other side (the ducks). The ducks mission is to make it to...
ya i know its been done but i thought i would give it a try and see how well i could do thanks for what you think.
Wack A Mole! Wack A Mole is a map made no other than Ahogan11. The point of this map is to kill the rider of the mongoose. this is done by...