Astroids Description: A small box with three destinations one in the middle and one at each end. You can have a team up to as many as you want...
wow man you really did go a very good job on this house you put a whole lot of detail into it and you can tell. i like that you have some new...
wow well this was a great idea i too rember as a child playing those games. i like how you brought it intt halo and how you make the jail work...
well i just saw your post up above this one and you are not alloud to double post so i would sudjest puting the infection map with your other map...
although i have never played halo 1 this map looks like it would be fun to have a ctf game or slayer game. i have seen that you did some good...
well first you should use if your not already and i think up near the top you can change the size of the pic. but when i post my...
this map looks alright but it was hard to tell from those small pic it would help if the pic were bigger then people might download the map but...
this looks like a pretty cool race you got there i like the layout of it and ill give it a try and see how i like the map from what i see i would...
also if you really wont people to look at your map or download it pic would help without pic people wont think it is good just next time you make...
i really like that idea of yours this looks like a fun map to play on and defently for ctf im gunna download this and play it with some of my...
this looks like a pretty sweet map you did a good job making the other side look exactily like the other side. i like that you used the whole...
this looks like it would be a fun map to play on in mlg there is a perfect amount of cover and well laid out it seems like your did alot of...
this map looks very well forged and lots of well done interlocking. it really looks like you put alot of time into it. i like the map because i...
well from the pics this map looks ok but i would say most maps on coldstorage dont turn out to good but ill give this map a try.
wow well this map looks really fun and well made, i like the bridge alot too.even the race track looks good but only 2 things that i would change...
this look like a pretty good map i was also trying to do the same thing but on the other map and on sandbox but i got a little bored of that this...
i like this map i have only seen a few duck hunts on sandbox but this one is the best. i like the layout of the map and how youset it up. im...
umm ya...:)
what are you talking about
ya i had this idea a while ago and i have some differnet ideas then you but ill try to use some of your ideas too thanks for the help