Talk to Ice about a specific time at which they are due. I'd get them in today if I were you.
Ok, you and Mace. Mavrick, find a partner or you will be disqualified.
I'm putting Mavrick and Mace together if they don't find partners so you two may still participate.
[IMG] Meh, I don't like it. I haven't made anything in a while though. CnC I guess. EDIT: Lol, that C4D looks like his arm.
Not unless you give us a black spartan render. Stock is way too small. Too small of a stock, unless DC can work with it.
On the contrary. Signatures are digital art. Refer to the above post. Even Y35's signature is art. I wouldn't consider it his art as he did...
Well **** off. And you look like the douchebag right now, just cussing out loud. I like sdrakulich. And learn to spell. @Hells I don't...
She is kinda ugly. But why are you posting this if you don't want CnC? :]
So you two are partners?
What does that mean? You want to be my partner? If so, sure.
I need a partner too, by the way.
Everyone congratulate team #4 for winning the first battle (by one vote). If you didn't know already team #4 consisted of Icecikle and Hells...
That's alright with me. I've got finals these next few weeks, so I'm taking it easy on the PS.
Will you have my babies? How do you constantly deliver awesomeness? Oh right, CnC. Maybe enhance the lighting and depth a little.
Like this?
I was thinking it'd close Wednesday, that makes a week.
Yeah it's not done, just finding a text first.
I don't use any non-default brushes. Wait that's a lie, I use some starlight brushes occasionally.
****ing win right there.