First of all, Awsome, epic, uber map! Just wondering if its impossiible to play with more than 8 players or if 8 is the reccomended amount? Was...
OK thanks! Just one more question. Does a respawn zone for a specific team make it less likely for other teams to spawn there? In other words, on...
OK I know what respawn zones do (more or less) but does anybody know the difference between these three forge items in the spawning catogory?...
@ELYKNORPAC A pro pipe in the purple room is a great idea! I can't believ I didn't think of that! *Facepalm* And yes I was thinking of removing...
Sorry. But this map looks to long, to hard and not aesthetically pleasing enough. If I put this map in a custom rotation, I'd be ending the game...
I clicked the link...But it didn't take me to the right gametype...Did you take it out of your FS?
@ELYKNORPAC: Easily done, just add some coloumns. Although I should mention they are attatched to the back wall... Edited by merge: One thing...
This is a map I've been working on for the past 2 months or so: Crossfire. I've put around 35+ hours of work into the map. It's a very...
Heres my best map: [IMG] My GT is JAMES 24993 and the map name is crossfire
Can people please tell me what they think of this map? Thank you [IMG]