For the kill ball, not just the center ball of it has to be covered, an entire diameter of it does. For instance, if you merge a two by two block...
That's definitely unsurprising. Caffeine is a stimulant, so I think that it would definitely have a good ability to decrease your reaction time,...
I suppose I shouldn't have wasted 3 hours on a rumor xD I probably should've googled it first where I would've found nothing about cinnamon. Oh...
I remember reading an article about how Cinnamon can positively effect one's reaction time. I remember that every year in tennis, the players on...
Looks Pretty cool, though I can already see a problem, you gave the Rocket Launcher a total of 6 rockets. That's definitely a no for Team Slayer :P
Proportions are kind of messed up, you should probably fix that if you want a true remake
Anyone notice the huge amount of Z-fighting in alot of the maps that are on the community playlist? I don't think there was one that I played...
mine hasnt updated yet =/
Do you have all the required equipment? To make a good Stop Motion film, you're going to want some Light Modifiers, to make sure there isn't...
So Halo Runescape?
I was under the impression that you could only do this in two player co-op.
Id certainly like to see some. Will we though? Ehh, maybe, but I wouldn't hold my breath
That kinda epic, I could see a 9/11 tribute working well. I've messed around in forge before, and using a combination of objects set to invasion:...
I have to agree with what a few others said... this is Forge in Halo, not some kind of World Creator Sim. I mean, a lot of these ideas would be...
I already know of an RPG group In Halo Reach, though I'd love to help construct a more effective one. The pre-existing one- : The...
That was pretty cool They're all so beautiful. I look at them, and I feel like I'm looking more at individual maps instead of "oh look, more...
Hmmm... the Royal Zealot class seems a bit over powered...Plasma launcher, energy sword, armor lock and 4 grenades?
Looks like you put a lot of time into this. It looks sorta confusing, but I might dl it to look at it at a closer point of view
There appears to be a teleporter that takes you to a room farther down the map, with water. Thats what you're looking at. Also, I like it. I dunno...