Exactly. Spartans aren't peaceful in nature. Their paradise would include Shooting ranges, explosives everywhere, every kind of weapon, and lots...
I don't think that it would be too nice looking if all there is on the map is rocks and whats already there. If there were wood elements, this...
I'm not sure I like how different the bases are from the original valhalla... It's definitely a very similar map to valhalla, but as far as a...
why hasn't this been stickied?
10-15$??? AHAHHAHAHAH It's Bungie, They'd load those 40 maps into 2 or 3 separate DLC disks and sell them 30 or more apiece. That aside, I would...
I know what you mean, but I'm hoping it to be far different. The main thing is that there will be many more houses. The overall shape will be...
Thanks, I obviously plan to do much more with it, it's just all that I had time to do, since what I had at my disposal was a single side of paper...
Well, I was remarkably bored, and had about 45 minutes left after I finished my Health 1 test. So, on the back of one of the pages I sketched this...
-Valhalla -Sandbox -Coagulation
It's really important to trust your gut. It seems kinda corny, but sometimes we worry too much about the shot, instead of just taking it. If we...
Id also be able to help you out. I can take instructions remarkably well, and have a generally free schedule, with hours to donate to the project...
I'm a Commander Grade 3, I play a lot of BTB and Invasion, and until I got Betrayal booted like 4 times in a row --(Don't even get me started on...
I like that nice, simple Pelican. Im not a fan of colliseum walls however, I think it adds a very drastic blandness to certain areas of the map....
Gamertag: Patsteirer Time On: It really depends almost every week day from 3pm-10pm(with breaks of varying lengths in there), and at least 1 day...
I have to agree with Pete. even that small amount of cover will largely change gameplay, and so to leave it out will possibly cripple this map's...
I really miss some of the classic weapons, BR, Spike Grenades, Incendiary Grenades, Beam Rifle, and Especially Dual Wielding. I would literally...
I don't think you need the embed code. I'm not positive, but I think that if you post the link, it's auto-embedded
Depends. It's easily solveable if you're making an invasion type gameplay, because you could just set the doors to despawn after a certain phase....
Yeah, the space is definitely an issue. One of the most important aspects to consider when making a map is cover. If you don't have sufficient...
I would definitely agree that the Placebo effect had something to do with my Data. If I really wanted accurate results, I would have to conduct a...