Awesome idea, however, the name world eater is not very appealing.
Such a good game!!! I'm working on a project for it now if anyone's interested!! Happy Mining/Crafting (lol) The Hunger Games Project - Minecraft...
Hey Ociee, mind taking a look at my map?
I'm not thinking it's possible. I mean, I've never seen it, and I can't see how it's gonna work.
Super awesome update Obfuscation This map is my second entry into the Forge Hub Throwdown competition. There isn't too much about it, except...
Obfuscation Download Thread [IMG]
Hmm...I don't think so. I mean, if you had the guy with the powerup in a different area than everyone else, you could spawn a hazard like a...
10 gigs for a new helmet? that makes absolutely no sense. all that a helmet is made up of is code. The textures are already in the game, the code...
Energy sword sharpie in pooper With the needler, stabbing them with the back of needler, sticking all of the needles in their back at once. Kick...
I'm with Cornlord. The Zfighting on some of these are just sooooo obvious, and it's just such an unprofessional thing to not correct, especially...
It's got Ass Rifles, it's gotta be good ;D On a serious note, it does look well made. It's just one of those maps that don't look like a bunch of...
Damn son, thats some crazy ****
Bump so this doesn't disappear again. Also, I don't know if these are true forge tricks or not, but they are a couple of glitches that I've...
no, the ability to make Invasion EvE or SvS is brand new. You could never do that before.
heres the thing, when you change a map, that's fine. I am perfectly okay with that idea. HOWEVER, credit needs to be given where credit is due. I...
I don't think that they'd have reason to fight in the water. Theres never anything in the water that the covenant would want. And fighting in the...
Yeah, you could also try Paint.Net its at
BTB on Hemorrhage, I'm driving a warthog. I'm flying across the canyon, you know, being a bro. I hit a pretty awesome jump, and land on a...
As Christopher Walken once said- "I'll be honest.. fellas, it was sounding great. But.. I could've used a little more Scarab. So.. let's take...
Yes v.v I completely overlooked that, and need to fix it before I resubmit it to the FHThrowdown:P