Just Bump it for me:) so people can find it :)
ya me too Can you do me a favor and go to my sig and go to the map about the canavses and say something about it please :)
This is advertising it is against the rules. This will be deleted I am sure and you are going to be infracted. Please read the rules before you post.
Hey I heard you need Endure. I need that and the one where no tank or hog. So You help me I help you:)
I need them all the one in halo 3 and odst so inv me :)
Lol I was going to respond when you said their was no download link. But then I read the edited part. By the way I was doing this so you dont have...
If I get a chance I should be able to do it :)
Yes I do know these are the pics of Bungie.net I am not stupid. The canvas is a map with no objects on it. O and the pics it does not matter. Its...
This weekend I will up date one for Longshore where everything is stacked if people ask for it
The Official Mythic Part II Canvases Longshore, Heretic, and Citadel Canvas Created by Footballfan757 Download Longshore Canvas Download Heretic...
This map looks really sick. I was not in the tourney but I will download since i love 1v1 :)
hey you mind if I report you for double posting? HERE?
Really nice map. But one question is it infection or somewhat of a slayer of a map?
Woot it was really fun and. Crypto to a good Job hosting. Cant wait till next time. :)
SO when is recap going up? :)
Hey whats up man? :)
Dear Sir or Madam I am doing a survey on Your gamertag. Would you say Your gamertag is? (A) Cool (B) Sucky and want to get changed (C)...
This is in the wrong section. When you post please know where you posting. This is for maps that are done. THis should be in Forge discussion :)
Hey I should be on in 40 mins at most
new schedule ?