The Master Chief Translation of the Holy Forge Scriptures. Duh. Lol I didn't really copy any of your work it just has some of the stylings and...
Anything for you sweet cheeks...
Inorite. I'm not good at it. Lol
Hey gays I'm not signing up (still in 19th century), just wanted to say I'm working on something AWESOME. It started as a remake of an old map of...
No comments? What the hail? This has changed quite a lot since I played it and it looks delicious. I can see some of the changes we talked about...
Right. Things like that are only awesome when they're not happening to me lol. But that was my first experience in an oddball game. After that I...
Except when an enemy passes it to you leaving you basically defenseless as they whip out an energy sword and destroy you.
Right but they didn't say which bugs. WHY 343?! Whats the point in waiting?
I was wondering the same thing. I did notice in a match on Adrift that the sword didn't de-spawn quite as quickly. Perhaps that was a fix?
That has happened to me a few times. Its really stupid
KoTH on Ragnarok is also hilariously fun. I went something 28/9 with 17 assists.
I recall hearing that same thing. But I've had my share of running into incineration cannons on haven. Again, 343 dropping the ball.
Team reg isn't like that. Plus no personal ord. Hmm I wonder why I like it...
So team regicide is a lot of fun. And Abandon is the new Sword Base. It is clearly the worst map with a huge design flaw but constantly gets...
Yo I think you might need to bump the sign up thread . We ain't got no partizipants
I really like this whole idea for precision weapons, but as you know, mention of the shotty in this subject would peak my interest. The shotgun...
That and he can pay for my gold subscription and send me a LE H4 xbox and game. I might be happy then.
Yes indeed I am. As of 6:45am when I checked. Even cooler than that is now sometimes I can't even to the backup.
Countdown was one of, if not my favorite Reach maps. I'd like to take a look at this as well. I'm working on a countdown inspired map currently...
Ya I suppose that would be better. But I stand by the bs as a drop. Also I would really like to see AA's as map specific pickups.