In case you missed it I released The Gem which is the dust up version of fraternal. It can be found...
Thanks Mr. Fone! I feel like a parent sending their kid to school for the first time . I want to hold on for little longer but I know it can...
Map Name: The Gem Creator(s): GrenadeGorilla8 Gamertag Hosting the Map: GrenadeGorilla8 Link to Forge Hub Thread: The Gem [IMG]
The Gem Welcome . The Gem, as you may or may not know(depending on how cool you are),is a re-imagining of a re-imagining of a Halo classic known...
I came. The water must be useable solely based on the fact that they're islands IN THE WATER. My inspiration to forge is coming back already!
[IMG] lulz...
I know I'm really bad lately. Thats why I never post threads about lobbies. Heres some more unreliability for you. My son just started puking so...
Ok. But there is still a 50/50 chance I may or may not make it haha
My dear friend Mr. Fone! There is a good chance I may be on late tonight. Like 10:30. Would you be interested in some outstandingly delightful 2v2...
I agree with Mr. Green and Pyro here. A map should be clean and quiet. That way any small aesthetic touches you add really stand out. That maps...
I'm not gonna make it :(
If only life weren't so cruel. If only. I'm gonna sell my kid, divorce my wife, and quit my job.
I unfortunately never got to play Bleached :( But I did play White Lodge quite a bit and obviously The Pit. I can only imagine(and read in the...
BAhahahahahaha good stuff. Just like YOUR mom! Ayooo
Probably for the best I wasn't. Lol
Wait. Do I understand this correctly? A GIRL starts talking to you and you all clam up? Typical video game nerds. Now I know a few of you are...
I know. I know. :)
It places the lotion in uh.. It writes the feedback.
Look at you! All fancy and red. Congratulations on the promotion good sir.
I would also like to take a peek. I could mess with it and then put it back in my fs for you to look at.