AR, Sword, Shotgun, Would make the other 10%. Definitely no BR kills in there.
90% percent of my H3 kills right there...
Because nobody will notice a 7ft tall 2 ton guy in a cloak walk by...
Ouroboros? Yeah Destiny looks like Halo and now Halo looks like Destiny. Which makes me want to play neither.
I feel the same. I was super excited for this update. And Now I can't play more than 2 or 3 games before I'm utterly disgusted.
Nice to see Mr. Sanchez stepping up and running this! Good luck. If life allows, I may be online so invite me if you need an extra.
What the hell, I'll throw my hat in the ring. I can't say I know most of the staff current or or former. What I can say is that in my travels on...
Probably because its more work than the average persons wants to put forth. We're just awesome.
True story. I don't think its entirely the staff to blame around here anyways. A lot of people complain about the atmosphere here being what it is...
Oh weird. At least you didn't quit. You got enough going on as it is. I wouldn't blame you if you had stepped down for the time being.
NOOOOOOO!!!!! Not you too!
Best of luck Mr. Nuts. I hope all goes well for you guys in your new endeavors and you can find some peace of mind amongst the insanity....
I really like this idea. I'm a huge fan of the MGS series. Its kind of where my GT came from weapon+animal = codename. What is the gametype based...
I'll probably be on tonight if anyone wants to get some games in.
And I was actually going to sign up this week... Just kidding. I couldn't make it anyways haha Hope all goes well for you guys!
Ya I know how you feel. I don't find myself kicking against the goads much either. That was more of an FYI just in case you didn't know.
Awe thanks :) It was super fun. And Speaking of CTF, did you know that Lightning Flag has no sprint? If you wanted a classic CTF experience you...
Fine ND. Be nice to your wife! But what about my feelings huh? What about me? Me and Audience will have a good time without you! :p
Or you could move it to tonight... Haha I'll be on tonight probably around 8 if anyone wants to play tonight.
And speaking of Alkaline Trio, here's one of my favorites from them. Alkaline Trio - Blue In the Face - YouTube Going to see them next month in...