itz i blaze
De'hellooo. Sorry to be a bothering bo, but bany brogbress?
Hey, guys..... Take it out the front page.
Why sooo greyyyy and not jaaaaaaay
Woahh woah woaaaaaah there big boy. I think you need to calm the **** down and stop making an ass of yourself.
Hey asshole. Don't link to something that's going to download (or attempt to) a friggin trojan to my computer. And it sucks, btw.
meh, dunno. start something and send it to me. butwaaaaaaaaaaah?
:D flrr
Fuuuck, how am I supposed to build my specail unit when all the iron is over the border! fuuuuuuuuuuuuu-
Part of the augmentations they undergo suppresses their sexual drive, however, the way they are brought up takes that out of the question. Their...
hump my fap
Today, I started the PPC Brofad with camo over live. MLIB
BT =/= bro
hit that **** and your load will keep climbing out of control
" 1) Define the social context that shapes the Stono Uprising event in 18th century America. What are the conflicting interests of...
Cept talk to kb about his job and how he fells about loosnig it
Nothin important yet