[IMG] Fairly simple. Didn't do heaps to it.
Since taking over Sig of the Week, I've rearranged it to be a fortnightly contest, in an attempt to keep it fresh. Recently, I've been questioning...
I had a few filters on, deep within the dunes of sandbox, and I couldn't see a thing. The gun fire provided minimal lighting. When I went through...
In recent weeks watching the voting threads, I feel the urge to vote. So my question is whether there's something necessarily wrong with me voting...
Thanks to Lock for finding this. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/47538.html Looks ****ing awesome. Stealth or unsubtle ground and pound....
Written by eguitarplaya33 FH'S [IMG] E N T R Y T H R E A D Welcome to Forgehub's Signature Battle Tournament brought you by: eguitarplaya33...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Tried something simple. I reckon they're alright. BTW, Bale, Willis and Norton are 3 of my favourite actors.
I think I really could have done something better with the stock. [IMG] What I did: Enhanced the image in the cross hair; adjusted midtones,...
[IMG] Wolverine! Nothing special. Saw the stock and felt like doing something with it. [spoiler]
[IMG][IMG] Got bored, in lieu of doing Psych homework, whipped this up. Stock: [spoiler]
[IMG] This thread is to be used only to submit entries into Forge Hub Graphics. Any comments otherwise will be promptly deleted. Entry...
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen trailers and video clips on Yahoo! Movies Looks pretty awesome. Really looking forward for this to come out.
We have a tie, please vote for your winner. First to receive five valid votes will win. You must post your vote and a valid reason for this...
[IMG] Tryin' some stuff. I like how it turned out.
It came out today; about 6 hours ago. I loved it. It's amazing. I haven't read the graphic novel so I can't tell you how acurate it may be but...
I dunno. Messin' around. [IMG] Stock: [spoiler]
Messin' around. Probably should be doing homework... [IMG] Stock: [spoiler]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrAi_H9IcGY One dog, crossing the road on a busy free way, is hit by a car. He's spotted by another dog. This one...
Well, I finally managed to get some money to purchase it last weekend(sold 11 games, got $220) and I love it. It isn't a whole lot different...
Doesn't appear to be touched much. Altered colours, brightness, contrast, shadows, highlights. Added blured layer, anywho, I like how it turned...