hey, guh-nome! nice map, i rate 5 *'s
i dont think they should release jhonson to the publis, he should be someone the pre-orderers got to make the non pre-orderers jealous >=D
i couldnt realy enjoy it because it kept stopping to load, but i liked the screenshots i saw =D
i would wait until it comes out to play it, so i dont get in troubles -o-
i need a good team, my rank is 6, but as soon as i get close to going up (i would be pretty high otherwise) i get a crap team then go back to 5....
actually, sorry, but Black Eye is indeed a Firefight Skull. here's the list: NOT IN Blind Fog(you dont have a motion tracker anyway) Iron(there...
well, everyone that buys an "original copy" of Halo 3:ODST gets the Halo Reach Beta when the testing begins 2010. im not sure quite what defines...
i pre-ordered from amazon with (like said above) release-date shipping, so ima get it on the release date, so i can wait 10 days for johnson, ill...
a small amount of campaign FIREFIGHT some more campaign firefight firefight firefight firefight the rest of the campaign Forge on the new maps...
um...im not sure what my MLG level is >.< my account is Lieutenant grade 2 umm, uh....i like grifball =D Sensitivity:10 (>=D) Buttons:Default...
these are just suggestions, you dont have to like them, or post your opinion of them, i just want to see what crazy ideas the world can come up with.
well, i know that in ODST there are new clases, weapons and other ****. but, what about stuff that you think should be in the game, but most...
100% Romeo. in matchmaking, i am more of a team sniper/support role, and i luvs teh sniper =D but, whenever i get the chance, ill grab a BR,...
Skull Name: LolWut? Skull Description: huh? what just happened? Skull Image: a skull with one eye socket Skull Effects: you have half the screen...
umm, is there supposed to be a special gametype? i would think that you can just use the original One flag gametype THAT COMES ON HALO 3 :O i...
OMGWTFBBQ HOLY MOTHER CRUDBALLS AMAZING i have never seen a map pack with so many/much maps, work, or time put into it. This deserves to be...
i dont do interlocking, unless it's absolutely essential to the map. also, as i've put, this is my first map. I'll make a V2 and make the walkways...
ok, i edited. thanks golly and all else who download. again, all comments are appreciated, as this is my first map and i need feedback and such. i...
Relic DLC Requirement-Mythic Supported Gametypes-Slayer,Team Slayer, Capture the Flag this map is the preview of an upcoming map pack, the...