Can you say suck-up? Look, just because he's new doesn't mean you have to lead him in the wrong direction. Ok, I understand this like a "hone...
Hey, make the entire thing, I won't steal your ideas..., of course not, I have a better moral than that..." lol don't worry, I have ideas of my...
First off, I guarantee the new maps will be available for download without the disk, you'll just have to pay for them. Second, I WANT THIS TO...
Did anyone want to tell this kid to embed his pictures, or all of you going to continue to spam? Look kid, you need to go to save all of your...
Can I interview you tomorrow at about 6pm-11pm EST? That should be about the time I will be available
From what I can see from your pictures, it looks very well forged while still keeping a I guess you could say,...I don't know how to put...
I enjoyed how the red guy teabagged right before his spine was dislodged and shoved into his skull...
Suppose we had a "First Map" section...maybe that would keep better maps in the real sections from being shoved into a pile of inadaquate maps.
ya, i was just gonna apply just because it seems like it's always good to have a backup. I'll have to know if there's a new set of interview...
Hey, remember, if you need testing you should post it the the testing forums. If you decide to do so, please post the date, time(EST) and Map name...
i love the first one where there all being sent butt naked down the ski slopes. Thats gotta suck.
inbred and I agree your annoying. Sorry. PS:HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Your ugly...
I believe that the shot was taken in forge and the beam is a thin and tall respawn area. That is what would deter me from downloading this map....
We have freedom of religion, but the country was still based on values of christian leaders and was influenced by Christian beliefs. But your...
I have had my xbox for 2 years and still no red ring of death. Knock on Wood
What people are going to have to relize is that this kid must have had some other problem other than having his Halo3 taken away. It says in the...
I will write a detailed review later when I'm more awake, but this map is the most amazing map that I have ever played on. I will admit that...
I'm sorry, but this has been seen waaaayyy to many times before. alot of little building scattered at the edges of the map and alot of laggy...
This is a saturday night live skit. It's actually really funny. Justin Timerlack got a grammy for the song.
What can I say about HalfBrian...well first off, this is a guy that has taken all the time in the world to make sure that he has created the best...