Sorry. Once a Trekky always a Trekky. Go Star Trek!
I have a feeling he'll be released. But only long enough for his cell mate to switch positions. Ba BA Bish Thank you. Thank you. Your very kind.
I think the majority of the people who dislike school are those who talk in class, don't turn in work, and get on the teacher's bad side. Also,...
Here's another sig comment... I am in tears right now. I love the "Try to aim for the lava Frodo!"
Marines do take cover, throughout maps there are downed pelicans and stuff to use as cover. Obviously you havent seen the gameplay videos. And...
I understand that it has been mentioned numerous times but really, look at these two objects i've circled, they look like the annoying little...
I'm a massive fan of RTS games, Halo, and Forging. What do you think?
[IMG] << My anti-Foundry Forword: To those who choose the featured maps, I have come to realize from tonight’s party with AZN...
I know it sounds gay (*disclaimer:not that there's anything wrong with that) but you have made my heart melt AZN. I don't know how you did it but...
AZN, would you kindly inform me when you post your Foundry theory, I have written a detailed response to what ever you write. I apologize if it...
I loved that plasma stunt. Game lagged like hell. lol Thanks for hosting
k log on to the IRC and type"/join #FHTGI"
No those things with the lasers were not scarabs, the scarabs are huge.
Hey everyone. I just thought this was a good look at Halo Wars coming out March 3rd or Feb 28, I dunno
Sure,i havent seen finished vs yet though
Ok, here's how it's going to go down....late at night, all of the Bungie producers are going to sneak into the FarCry building. using silencers,...
I can try, but I'll have to do it next weekend.
For u => Video The song is "This is Halloween" from the 'Nightmare before Christmas' movie. But the song is a little more hardcore
ok I can interview you now just go to the IRC chat and type "/join #FHTGI"