want me to post the City on xforgery for you?
Go ahead man
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE08nn2mp2YIt's coming, with a plot and everything. If you would like to help sign up here. [you can message for...
o sry dude, no u in i asked insane to add you to list...
I don't care if you say you dont have any money. Everyone has 5 bucks laying around. I just don't it would make anysense at all to build the maps...
Just so you know, rules only require one picture, so dont post about the rules if you haven't read them yourself. Link
Wow, your smart....
Your sig needs to be 500x 200 px or less, you'll get infracted if you dont reduce its size before a moderator finds you.
i r sorry, i do next time
As much as people are going to think I'm crazy, I really enjoy the dam area on Valhalla. using the radio tower and mongoose, You can effectively...
Here it is on youtube. Sorry that I had to change music. Now it doesn't work as well. YouTube - TGIAD4
<a href=http://www.filedropper.com/tgiad><img src=http://www.filedropper.com/download_button.png width=127 height=145 border=0/></a><br /> <div...
I uploaded to youtube, but the music sucks because of copy right, so I'm just uploading it to a file host and then people can play origional on...
Hey can you add ForgeGod117 to the tester guild?, he did his interview perfectly
Skorge, GOW2. He has a double chainsaw, how more evil can you get?
You know, you can use a free webhost like spruz.com or freewebs.com to try out your first website.
ok the video is on my last fileshare slot. just give it 30 sec to upload