Even though that sounds extremely stupid, it's true. But as someone said before, the Golden Hunter does look bigger than normal Hunters. And, as...
Whoa whoa don't go there O.o
Erm Atik, you do know that you are ODST's in ODST? XD It's probably gonna be lower numbers than that.
Yea, well I was meaning in the game, they usually stand right next to each other, no? So I based this off of gameplay, since that's the whole...
Meh, people weren't believing it. A few days ago I was talking about it and everyone was laughing at me. **** them for not being here to see this.
Lol. You upped your rank from this, lol. Seems funny and scary, thinking of Jackals with overshields. And Grunts... OH ****.
[IMG] Eh? Eh? BTW, before I get started, I got this all from rifte gifle's posts from the Golden Hunter thread. Onto the classes: Hunter...
Lol. But I hate how they changed the damn Engineers. They looked so damn cool before. I mean, I don't hate the new design, it's pretty cool too....
:O Ima go start a thread in ODST Discussion. I'm gonna use that picture, you mind?
Holy **** you serious rifte? Damn this is gonna be a ton more fun than Halo 3. Plus, the health and stuff is good. You can't be fearless of a pack...
I'd choose Invis. First of all, I almost always get in a situation where I run somewhere, turn a corner and try to will myself to go invisible....
It kinda would if it's the Halo 3 Scarab. How do you get on it without getting blown up? And the Halo 2 ones indestructible for no apparent...
Did anyone ever notice the front of a magnum looks like the Brute Stalker? ****ing weird, in this pic even more cause the light glows. Meh, it's...
Not too shabby. Might've wanted to get closer to the wall instead. But not too bad.
Should have done this on the original pic, lol. Pallet wood as firewood. But damn dude, why not put BOXES! as the title instead of spamming the...
Lol. WTF?! I liked box gamer but freaking LOL! iBox is all dead with a flag.
The one who died was probably really actually standing there, while meltyourtv was trying to move but couldn't cause of lag. But yea, that's...
What them two said. Try something overdone instead of this. You would see this on someones fileshare in matchmaking and they'd call it "Free Halo...
Dude, even if you don't pre-order you get the maps. Really all you get for the normal pre-order is Johnson, which I don't see right, and the...
They've got Halo: Reach, which we'll have to wait for a whole god-damned nother year.