all I have to say to that is yes.
**** they're gone -.-. Stupid snipers can't just use the boats what the were meant for: underdogging.
I have it. It's pretty cool, GREAT for doing screenshots and easier way of not having weapons. Search flamethrower on
I don't have the origin Halo 3 disk, and I never got Annual. YOU have the chance to actually get teh Recon chest (which is the only one I want)....
When you lose all of a sudden after having great teammates, then all of a sudden starting to lose cause of teammates, means you've got to get some...
I am so gonna do that just to piss off those random people I pair up with.
Well that's nice :D.
Sure, I'm trying to get together a lot more brushes for my new sig. But sure.
I kinda get it, but it's funny in the sense of "sh** I'm mutating into a frog!!!"
Looks like he was faking dead and got up. Lol 5/5.
imageshack is easier no sign up or long process.
I've seen many complaints about Forge needing to be like Far Cry 2's map CREATOR, but look, Forge is a Map EDITOR. Not Map CREATOR. Right now,...
My halo 3 broke a month ago. I bought ODST. I never got Annual.
In order: Avalanche Longshore Blackout Heretic (never get it though)
I don't mean the current select songs, I mean future ones they are too gay to add.
I'll help in a couple of days, don't expect me to be the most frequent helper though.
Sure is, I'ma go PM a mod.
Why does Youtube give copyright infringements? Look, these artists WANT their music to be popular. I get the infringement for using music that a...
It does doesn't it?
What... the ****.