no ones been to the forger's guild in a while.....
yeah i guess it did......
why the **** is it the eye of the jew??? it was cool though......
there are all positions avalible except the leader and judge positions.
hello! i am one of the leaders at the forgers guild, a group that you have reacently joined. i will need to ask you a few questions about your...
it's neccisary in some places in some levels. if a building calls for a wierd shape, then you should interlock it.
i see the point there, i didn't even think about that. i thought there was a few achievements for the heroic maps after the Mythic DLC came out?...
i looked up a few other game's DLCs and most of the big ones (like Epic Games, Bungie, Valve...) tried to get some of their DLC out for free, but...
this realy is pointless and needs to ge closed....
seriously,you seriously said that?!!!! how is a famos singer that was ACCUSED of being a child molestor and was found NOT GUILTY comparable to a...
exactly natu. you're acctualy the cheap one for not buying the map packs....
i think that over a distance the carnine is better. the BR has WAY too big of a spread shot. carbine FTSW, AR FTFW. lol.
oh BTW how will you get the mystery box to move around?
he said earlier that he made his before Blast-off! Blast-off was being made while this map was being played! this is just an updated version.
not great with the infractions and all, lol.
i do the same as you, when i'm forced to use the BR. i hate the gun personaly and i think it was much better in halo 2. Ar FTW
i usualy just waited for a few seconds and then tooka few sips. or i got a gatorade from one of the vending machines.
nice work. i like the concept and it seems like it'll have good gameplay. i use the broken collumb things as elevators on some maps.
omg! i loled at the whole thing (until the kid died of coarse). that would be wierd to see him and be like: " hey i'm mavrick what's your name?"...