Search Bar or google it or try
Cool doesn't do anything right?
Meh...I just talk to the game and party up...mainly cause girls don't teabag or any **** like that and its fun too play with mature people
OMG THAT LOOKS SO MUCH SEXIER...Great Job...5/5 again!
Not the best I've seen 3/5
Wow...that looks epic. Sniper Rifle is my favourite weapon. Good Job 5/5
Looks great...I like all the pillars for cover and the over all design.
Seeing as I got an infraction for writing "LOL nice..." to "Mastar's comment how about this...Wow nice comment Mastar that was really creative!...
...Sounds cool...or maybe marty just got lazy
I'm into coding and all and would love to have gun lower capacities. However, it might not work 1) Cause Bungie is busy with other stuff 2)...
I DONT WANTZ RECON...I'm just curious...honestly who would want looks great but then you have tons of people try to hack your account etc...
LOL...if got that a couple time on highground... i boarded an ghost and splattered a couple guys inches away from the flag
Epic lulz
I'm sure there's some around...if not just try make your own its not that hard...or you could get the GRIFBALL field and use that?
This looks so awesome...I cant wait to try it out...I have been waiting for this game for ages...I CAN'T WAIT FOR SEPTEMBER believe your using sketch??? great job
Pics are needed...try add some hard core game play action
There will still be hard core forgers however I think most of the crowd will shift to the new forge because Bungie always comes up with better...
Nice...i really like it
How did you get recon?