Sorry about that! Why not use that Idea? This is everyones game. Have some inspiration from this. Anyways, thanks!
Thats what I meant.
Thanks dude. But yeah, I find Ramps more interesting as walls. Edited by merge: I know, im not good with positioning cameras for the pictures...
*Note, that map is still being built, spawns need to be placed, weapons need to be thrown on here, and tests will be made. I came up with the...
As of now, Im already working one :D
Ok, I fixed Refined, no longer a soft-kill boundary where a hard boundary should be. Now for more gametypes to be put on it -_-
Thanks guys! As long as its slayer and Team, it will work out good, soon Ill have more playable gametypes for you guys to lurk around on this...
That makes me feel really good. Thanks for the feedback!
I was in a rush to get it posted because I thought the 5000$ dollar budget was ending soon, but then I rellized it was next month. But I'll do...
*Ive recently noticed a huge bug on my map, time to kill it. Instead of falling to your death, theres a ten second timer to get back to the...
Alright, sounds good. Thanks!
You think it could possibly get a Feature?
Thanks man! If I have enough budget, Ill add a second phantom!
Whoa! Stevo? Commenting on how my maps look? I feel proud, thanks dude!
Thanks dude :] Thanks dude, Ill take that into consideration.
Snipers most likely will not make a presentation on this map. The only power weapon this map is the Grenade Launcher,simple equation: {skill >...
I dont aprreciate the first sentance.
Sadly, do to the amount of budget I had to use, (For the 5000$ budget contest) I wasnt able to add further detail. But it was defianatly something...
I can agree with you about everything you just typed.
Ive never really like how a kill ball looked around the grey of Forgeworld ;/