You've got some pretty tight errors too Or is it just me? OT: Got a shitty 20 dollar Walther P99 007 style. Saving up for a G36...
Beating someone in Halo Chess. You may be better than me in Team SWAT, but I'll kick your ass in the game of patience and intelligence! Also,...
**** YOU JK, welcome to ForgeHub. Enjoy your stay!
You lucky bugger.
People never do significant nice things for me, my Mom bought me a laptop so I can make machinima and do other work, but.. Last year I had a...
Tactical Intervention is a Filler Machinima to fill the time between Halo: Reach and Halo 4. There are nine character positions, 7 of which need...
Lochte Takes over.
Yay, I predicted!
You're right. I'll just stop talking in this thread now.
I think a Mod takes a while as well, and I know how long a game takes. But I think the time it takes outweighs the reward. People like it so much...
I'd rather wait for the DayZ mod creators to get some ****ing wits and recreate the stuff on another game engine, and sell it. Obviously everyone...
Your Spectrum remix.
I'm pretty sure you would need a computer around BF3 system requirements to run PS2. I'm gonna build a mid-range or a budget so I can take on PS2...
I'll see you on the battlefield :D
And is it OK if I use your song in a video that I will be making? I will also credit you in the description. I'd need a DL tho
Hey, is it ok if I post your music in the dubstep turntables lobby? I would credit you and everything
I have one question. Who's Excited? Planetside 2 is a new MMOFPS that comes out soon. It has three factions, The Terran Republic, the...
Well, steam sale's over, sadfaic, lockplzkthxbai
I don't know why you would write a 700 or so word essay just saying that the Revenant was a replacement for the chopper. Didn't a Revenant like...
Steam Sale ends today. Sadfaic. *Another sale happens three weeks later*