Heh. pyro, meet Pyro UK. Pyro UK, meet pyro. Forge Hub - View Profile: pyro welcome to ForgeHub.
Hey there! Welcome to the ForgeHub community! I'm Carty, FH's Official Introductory Supervisor. You don't seem like a total asshat, asking for...
If there are only two people, a gametype using an easier method to score points (maybe stockpile) would be great as well.
I usually get ideas when in school, in a cool place, or while listening to Florence and the Machine.
In singleplayer, vehicles are vital, in multiplayer, they were fun. I made a boat only map where you fight on boats only, and we had a blast....
Just curious, I just go blogs and lolbox, not many great maps are being forged anymore...
What do you do most to keep yourself busy while on Forgehub? 1. Look at and download maps 2. Browse the blogs 3. Chat generally 4....
Friends don't ask friends to be friends.
Congrats for being one of the first that have signed up in a while that have not managed to piss me off in regards to either "hosting cool...
You're not making yourself seem funny by saying that. Quite the opposite actually.
This. A revolver as seen in the Killzone series would be cool. Edited by merge: What I do not understand is why can't they just add all the...
Hey. Noticed you haven't been on in a while. We miss you. Be back soon, OK?
Have to agree. On the wiki the Halo UNSC Weapons actually use rounds that were used in WWII, such as the 9mm, .22, 50.cal, ETC. Edited by merge:...
Battlefield, Call of Duty, I think even Crackdown had something that was the SAW.
Why can't 343 be reasonable and put popular customs maps into a MiniGame playlist? (Speed, Jump Rope, Race maps, ETC)
Hello. I love Battlefield. I love Battlefield Bad Company 2. I love Battlefield Bad Company 2 more than Battlefield 3. Now that may...
Happy ****IN birthday you prick JK, Enjoy your special day.
Austria got the **** kicked out of them in Women's Rowing. Australia is disappoint. Not a typo. Austria got like 40 or 50 seconds over Australia.