GRIFFF LET'S PLAY WARZ TOGETHER Steam: AA_mackjr1234 Skype: macknelson
Might want to relook Far Cry 3, as the multiplayer looks ALOT better than the original. If that doesn't suffice, you can make your own makeshift... for your viewing pleasure
Yeah, I've been killed countless times like that. I'm on Steam right now and will likely be almost all night, hit me up when you are ready to play.
Spartans never die.... They just go to 4chan on Private Mode and get assraped by the masses and go missing in action.
Don't worry, that will go horribly outdated in 2-3 years of the new Xbox release. Either way, I hope this means MMOs will be coming to Consoles...
ForgeHub needs to have a Far Cry 3 Mapmaking section. No, seriously. Take a look at how much cooler this is than H4 Forge: You can make AI...
Are you absolutely sure? The dazzle is REEEALLLY bad.. but whatever.
You might want to post this in H4, you'd get a ton of replies. Just so ya know BTW, clans recruiting isn't allowed here. But I don't know if you'd...
I have a dazzle. It's horrible. I'll help ya though if you want.
+1 fllr
I just love when people try to stick up for the devs of the game. I bet you that there is at least one little **** out there that didn't buy Halo...
Truth is, most people hate using too many prefabs on maps because it doesn't express creativity. Making your own buildings using an assortment of...
[IMG]Subject to imminent change
This is the reason games are so ****ed today. They had an article in the last version of GI that games are starting to look more like work and...
Most people in here like custom made buildings to express their creativity. Honestly, maps get boring when it's just a bunch of premades for each...
I want to play. Like, now.
There are no lighting effects so far on Theater. That literally RUINED dynamic lighting for me, because that's the only place I'd actually CARE...
I am not a very excellent forger, but you can hit me up and I'll do all I can to help, my GT is mackjr1234 and I am in the Eastern Time Zone.....