First is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the polka dot chest Mass Effect one was centered more around story than gameplay so...
26 inch TV A laptop fan that broke already cause it's a cheap piece of **** Some headphones that the left ear is already going out Some earphones...
lol343 When they make mistakes (which they always do) they try to make it look like it was planned when really one programmer may have just...
I viewed your artwork today and I must say they are some of the best works I've seen, well, ever. Even though I mostly view photography more...
Should have taken the rest of that crap, screw all of your other stuff xD
Happy 40th birthday
Welcome, new citizen! Here at the city of ForgeHubLand, we have multiple things you can enjoy yourself with. For all forge related activities,...
Sorry for my lateness. AHEM Welcome, new citizen! Here at the city of ForgeHubLand, we have multiple things you can enjoy yourself with. For...
Thank you for the advice. I probably won't get her jealous with other girls because it probably will evolve into a cluster**** of bullshit but I...
Impact has a bunch of space initially, I'm waiting for someone to figure out a way out of Ravine.
Isn't the same without you in color, man.
Congrats on the newfound Journalism! Im hoping to get a TCOJ game during break, I just don't have the time right now.
I was listening to Paradise by Coldplay when I looked at your sig. You, sir, have earned my lols for today.
Welcome, new citizen! Here at the city of ForgeHubLand, we have multiple things you can enjoy yourself with. For all forge related activities, you...
gamespy is stupid I never liked using it
Description of Spire and Boneyard Honestly, I don't know why Spire is a BTB map besides because of Bungie's lazyness to create more maps or to...
I want to make a BA remake but I don't have any reference pictures. Can anyone help me out? "Boarding Action" is a Halo 1 Space Map.
This could totally be true.