I used the vector magic site on the first duck that poped up on google images. Its easy to cheat those guy.Halfway through the thing they sho you...
Well its entirely populated by people who need stuff done and by people who are able to do it. Its kind of a winning combination ofr helpfullness
Perfect thanks alot :D Your now my favorite aussi lol
You know i was just wondering how i could combine ignorance,arrogance apathy AND hostility in ONE sentance bravo....
Yeah im in a sci-fi family too ;) My dad was the only one who didnt like it. He used to go nuts calling it garbage...THEN we just reminded him he...
Yay another stargate feature length.My favorite tv series barr atlanis is back for another hour and a half :) Dunno if its already aired in other...
Okay i think i got the idea of it. Can you add a rocket launcher similar opacy to the br lying flat along the bottom of the M. Change the M to a...
Hi everybody!Hi doctor nick.... Basically my 2v2 team the mighty ducks needs a logo. Ive tried making one myself using GIMP(dont have photoshop...
Ka ka ahem A summary of the lone wolves pregame lobby....give me a sec "beathes.." CAN SUM1 HELP ME GET OVERKILLL!!!!?????? i FIGURED AT THIS...
Si-on-ti-fuc? Seriously dude....your lucky i dont give you neg rep for entering a debate with that crappy a statement lol
Im pretty sure i'd burst into flames if i tried. But you know if saint george or whoever killed a dragon it doesnt really prove jack.The saints...
It wouldnt work and it would be expensive to implement.
I was going to mention that but i thought it a wee bit too controversial for somehting this mundane :S Anyway im off to bed so no more arguing...
Thats like saying a manticore had to be real becuase so many greeks believed in it and its a popular myth. The manticore could not possibly have...
Fair enough :) Im into reptiles and chemistry though so i dont think it was a fair fight ;D
"think about this thing" i hardly a description. But yeah im willing to help. Dont worry about me stealing,i dont post maps,havent got the...
How are we supposed to help you if we dont know what your doing? :S
As to the fire dancer,all i can say is it hardly makes sense for an animal to breath non-dangerous fire. It would be nothing above a fear tactic...
Chief in the story wont float,thats just halo 3's "corpse's" trait within the engine.It looks funnier if the dead guy slowly floats downriver....
Im sure theres an inkling of truth behind the dragon but i imagine it was jsut a combination of humanities fears. Like the chimeara or manticore...