-No,there is no feature similar or otherwise to forge on halo wars. -You recieve a code that allows you to then download the mythic map...
Awesome ,i'll totally help test this if you message me. Love **** zombies but since it was all I liked about cod5 I never bought the game :)...
Ganondorf,merely becuase in my mind Ocarina of Time is still the **** as far a videogames go. Mind you Glados is definately up there
Pah I do not hold to this "I came up with it first" garbage. Simple says,don't whine about who did it first,give credit where its due to who did...
Suffice to say all those crazy ideas i could never pull off working on standoff etc might finall come to fruition....my taste buds be salivatin'
Huh I didnt realise the general consensus was dell=bad. Were been using them for years and they seems fine. Personally I can't stand macs....i...
I'm currently saving my cash in the hopdes of buying a laptop in may. This is the current build I made on dell.com.(Used he US as the exchange...
Im not dead,i swears it...on the um...teh sexboxz yes teh sexboxz. Ridiculous amounts of laziness and transistion year are my reason for not being...
I just saw that ad,with the kick ass catchy song which i have since downloaded and decided RIGHT THEN i was buying it the same day i went out to...
K ill tell my teammate,well be on dont worry :)
Ok i just noticed we still have tomorow to get the game done,will you guys be able to be about 5GMT or so tomorow?I can go later but i have things...
Ugh mate i kinda needed more than an hours notice... I only got on awhile ago and its too late now.
Right were up for the 2v2. Your mates banned so we'll have to use your comments page to have proof or organisation. So you two amounst yourselves...
A wizard did it.
Hay make deeze mo'public :) I missed this entirely and you have movies that arent even out in cinema for me XD Dunno if im missing much with zohan...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLPB3T-DTHs Make da helmet foo! :D
Okay come on people. OMG everyone talk about it so it must exist.Thats ridiulous. If 300 people in every country suddenly believed in sasquatch it...
By sci-fi family i meant you watched sci-fi.A good few families i know wouldnt touch sci-fi with a barge pole.
Um...gg on not reading the thread gratz no really bravo. Your insight is a shining example to us all