Posted a few more maps in case you're interested.
Download Map Classic Slayer gametype - in other words, no loadouts and map only powerups Warning - this map takes some jet pack skills Welcome...
**You must use Jolans RF2 gametype listed above** Download Map Download Gametype Props go to Jolan for making this incredible map remake from one...
I just had a run through of your map and it's pretty sweet. Before I start I thought I'd mention to you that the red base thingy is a hair out...
You didn't get your throat jumped down, you got ribbed. Hence the "PS" at the bottom of the note and general smartassyness (yah that's a word)...
Smooth the rocks - what the . . are you . . you can't be . . get some skills boy! They are rocks, learn to jump and throw. I've never heard...
@Bloo Jay - I'm not sure if the mini games guys would agree with moving this here as it's just a modified slayer but I'll take your word for it....
Yes this is basically a slayer map but to be fun it does require the Q-bert Slam gametype. If you're too young to know what Q-bert is then watch...
Yah, I'm kind of starting find myself falling into the symmetrical rutt. I've got a couple symmetrical maps coming and any ides I've had have...
**This map requires the Qbert Slam Game type** Download Map Download Gametype I find the easiest way to describe this map is to try to imagine if...
Download Map So as I sit here enjoying a libation (that's a word I've never used before) I write about this ugly duckling and wish upon a star...
Sweet, but I hope they screwed with it a little. I want the damn sword this time.
Yah, that can be a bit of a mood kill. Oh man I just checked that E3 Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary trailer and I can't wait. I'm assuming...
Yah it is. I made my way all along the coast down to San Diego, and then cruised over the border and rode a Quad on the Baha. Then a bottle of...
Damnit I just remembered you live in California and then realised you only turned 20. I was hoping you could pop down to the Bevmo and pick me up...
No worries, no one says you have to live at FH. I uploaded and posted the mod of Jolans remake of Fall factor that I mentioned before. You can...
Of course you can. It's the forge baby! There's no F in way, I won't be posting that map. It is however a little down the list. I had...
Thx for the comments. It really helps when you have something great to work from. I have another mod I'll be showing at FH in the next couple...
Damnit Atlas used my opening sentence. It screwed me up. I thought, 'did I just post this and forget'. Aaanyway, I just played my first game on...