New Version of Duck Huntin'!
Yes, there are a lot many versions ... but this one I think will be the best one for a while. It's very fun though.
Oh, I'm sorry dude. I thought it was a stacked canvas. They have been done before. Anyways, good job!
Thanks! Yes, the length could be longer but sometimes it can go on for too long. So when you're the hunter it doesnt get majorly boring.
Yes there are a lot of Duck Hunt maps, but to be honest, most of them suck. So I made V1, then I made the current version, V2.
Duck Huntin'! V2.2 [New Sandbox Version!] DUCK HUNTIN'! V2.2 PLAYERS: 4-10 players. Hey everybody, I'm back with a better version of my...
There is already a map called "The Mammoth" that Halo 3 Forges did and you can control it. This has been done A lot of times before, im sorry to say.
This is great and helpful, but it has been done HEAPS of times before. If you were here like 2 weeks ago you would of been fine, but its been done.
You said that before! Anyways - this map looks ... alright. The elimination battle at the end would probably be not fair, but the oddball idea...
One question: Why... why, would you even CONSIDER making a race track on Guardian? Nice effort, but no. It looks very boring and no fun...
Yea, thank dude. Thank you for all the support you guys!!!
I spent 1 WHOLE HOUR trying to get the stupid Loaded picture in the right angle. That angle was the best I could get.
Here are some of my best shots that I have taken: Burn [[ACTION]]: [IMG] Shadow Warrior [[ACTION]]: [IMG] Loaded [[ACTION]] (Used...
Yea, thanks.
Where else would I put it? The escapable crypt? No thanks.
No-one knows. Yet. I think ...
More pics please.
Yay! Thanks.
This is V1, so I will improve it as I go along. As soon as you come out, it is possible, even with a good sniper, to jump and get the bubble...