2.5/5? This map looks very well made from what I see. It is his FIRST map, and I think he has done a good job. {*MY MAP RATING*} FIRST...
Only 1 Bubble Shield? 2 Bubble Shields 1 Deployable Cover 1 Flare AND I have just updated it so its now longer! "you placed the things...
Sorry dude, I'm too busy making machinima.
Yes, this is a step up from the original version. Its very fun!
This guy has been posting more and more versions of these stupid maps! DONT FEED THE TROLLS.
Oh My God. STOP POSTING ALL THESE VERSIONS OF DEER HUNT. THEY ARE ALL STUPID AND BORING! And stop arguing with that other guy about who...
What you do is you just type in: [url=YOUR LINK URL HERE]THE NAME OF THE LINK[/url ] (Dont have the space at the end of url). Just like that....
You said it dude. That half-pipe is apsolutely A W E S O M E! This should be a feature. 5/5.
Thanks! Yes, I did think that the Foundry versions were a bit stupid at times ...
Why wont you download it? It looks like a very good thought out map. Dont dismiss it just because it not your type of thing. Anyways - this...
Yes, it might be made bigger soon. And maybe some more equipment. I'll just need to get around to it.
New Version of Duck Huntin'! V2! http://www.forgehub.com/forum/casual-maps/64758-duck-huntin-v2.html
No you do not just copy and paste the link url. You make it a clickable link by doing this: [url=YOUR LINK HERE[/url]
This map looks pretty cool, I have to say. But not too cool to download. :) 3/5.
Jebus! This looks awesomely awesome, mate! The most original idea in a mini-game that I have seen so far. DLing now. 5/5.
Yes, this map looks like it took up like, 4x4 squares on the grid! No DL for me. 1/5. :(
Yes. There will be a V2.2 coming soon that might include more track, and more flares/equipment. Hang in there.
The FX actually make it more fun, becuase it looks cooler. I'll add a no-FX version soon.
Yes, I did have a spectator stand in V1. But the hunter would just respawn! So I got rid of it.
This map is okay ... But, it looks a bit too rushed. The idea has been done before also, and the other versions are a bit better than yours....