you couldnt make it two stories?
check the shout box
how does this relate to a god creating the universe?
no.... He died for us!, not from the electric chair, instead make that electric chair a heart.
desperation...confusion...lost hope...
sorry, i was talking about the creation vs evolution topic stated as the guy above me said on that post you quoted.
wow, your name says it! you are al over the place. what are you talking about evolution here?UFOs ?Aliens?6000 year old God?education? where...
ya off topic!
no this is beautiful
this is a debate about that, yes...but this is different than the creation vs eveolution debate because this thread is actually made for this......
each one is very different from one another. this is about the universe's creation, God is well...about God, and the creation vs evolution thread...
Title explains itself. This thread is for all the people who branched off of the Creation vs Evolution topic or just for science people and...
when did he ever say anything about a week?
ooo this hurts...
you need help posting pictures i see. make an account on photobucket and then go to your bungie profile and view your pictures that you used for...
welcome to this discussion
do you really think that everyone downloads every map they post on? you must be mentally( i believe that is right but i dont go to your school,...
this map looks very good from the pictures. i just downloaded it so please dont whine. i like your ceiling, very open in some parts and enclosed...
it's a little open, and i dont care what your brother wants to whine about. i will download but if it is open i will give you a bad review. i hate...
i love how unique this feels, especially on sandbox with the lighting. it looks like a different map. very special map in my books. 5/5 maybe...