this map is so fun.. anyways, i was wondering if our clan, Ctrus Squad X-treme, could use this map for our clans first map every custom game night?
Insane already did it for me , but thank you
i would go to the doctor and get that checked out then...
hi there, do you like lemons.. well onto serious business, on recent accounts of confusion my username LionsNate132 is being mixed up with my...
also, i have two sock monkeys. one is Loofy and he is a standard sock monkey, and the other is Tiki Bumba(a miniature black and white one)
hello there, i was just wandering until i came across your page.... hmmm anyways. i was wondering if you could possibly change my name, because of...
in bio, like your bio or biology.??
what is that thundercougar falcons?. and i really dont know what that is. swear to little babyJesus
very nice
sounds great. yeah an elite would be pretty hard to make. but yes just have him shakin his legs, or swingin his arms back and forth. try to make...
this looks amazing!all the structures are nice. i would change that laser to a beam rifle or sniper if there arent any vehicles,and really add...
you should make arm length rubbars, or a pajama onesy
i happened to see yours too...
i love the semi-permiable membranes! and the death flower is cool, i keep thinking it is just random cover cuz i cant see the kill ball but then...
OMG THATS ME in the end of that video being the chieftan!!! i killed you guys!!! and um this is a fun map with many challenges you have to...
youre very welcome, i enjoyed testing it too. but you dont need to add me in the description, its fine. we can just split the credit...
hey there
hello there, i was wondering if you have the prefix "conquest" if the map has to have the right weapons and game variant? or can you make your own...