just search monument in the little search thing at the top. in fact i made a monument named map, but i do love playing this map
i like california, do you have more?!
why the hell is there a rocket and sniper in the same spot, is this a joke... haha nah man im just foolin round sorry, but really why would any...
GTMQ, this is amazing, i like the guardian lifts, and the tunnel with the sniper is a nice touch, but likewise in the real sandtrap the elephant...
a big tree with laser beams that kill people or like little AI babies crawlin round with jetpacks strapped to them that shout out random phrases
looks amazing, and i completely disagree with every thing pyro said. even though the armor falls off easily that is supposed to happen and that is...
first off, why the *****??? and second i was wondering if this is like multi team or just team slayer( 2v2v2v2 or 4v4)? but good idea on the...
you guys need to make 2 different maps in the sky bubble then connect then with a bridge so it like goes from "gunnergrunt land" to "element land"..
if you put it on 2 tin cups it cant move
AMAZING!!!!! i lovee the prowler!!! the ramps are awesome.. i am def dl-ing this@!!!!!!!!! you made my day!!!!!!!! just show more of the inside...
have you even downloaded it???, i doubt it, youre probably just saying that because you cant tell what it is by one pic. asswhizz btw, i would...
So cute! This is a bamf fronk! I love the layers and doubt anyone will even try to make one like yours. Or like insane said " good jorb" my...
My only problem with playing this a while ago was the ease of accessability from the bittm levels to the top without using the gravlift way, other...
G'night cupcake
Ok I get on that tomorrow since I can't do that kind of functions on the ol' iPod touch.
lolololol vvv this guy is so clueless, and so monumental...lololololol...speaking of monument....ahem
i didnt know it wasnt allowed to post ads in visitor messages!?
whaaa!!! that wasnt really direct advirtising to be taken by other members, i was simply trying to show the text that i used from my map Falcon...
the only problem i see is the ghost on top of the double boxes. even though the only way up is by launching the mongoose up after a scorpion...
hey, how is my dancing dino coming along?