size-wise it is like one layer of guardian, not two. guardian has walkways and different floors, i will provide you with a link to download...
mm this is sexy, i like the plasma cannon and flamethrower, the map could probably do without the sword though. try replacing it with a hammer or...
a little small but it could work with a 1v1v1v1 king of the hill or a free for all koth. if you have any money left over i would add a bridge...
i plee tennis too
your sig and tartar madev me gtmq
reminds me of sandtrap a little dont know why,m will dl. looks great
ooo i like this map, i was wondering at first if all the vehicles would be too powerful, but after seeing the beautiful structure it changed my...
i would like to purchase this from you, how much?
youre right, um maybe frag grenades to bounce, or add only two spawns in the room and have the rest of the teams looking down at the joust and...
i have seen an idea like this a while back on foundry, but you made it pretty good with all aesthetics and such, my suggestion would be to...
60 is definately an F, hell 65 is an F in my school, i dont know what kind of dumbass school you go to but you need to try to have fun while you...
i hope he knows that a whizzle or wizzle is a type of sloth/dinosaur
the song is strange
i absolutely love your maps, this is definately annother to add to my list. your designs are so unique and the structures you forge are perfectly...
this is certainly cleaned, but it could be better especially around the outside borders. but overall this looks good but i dont find anything...
no i havent actually, i will check it out now though
i like the tags, and this sounds pretty cool, cant wait for the things i am not supposed to be talking about
mmm very nice heavy map, it seems like it is probably very unique from the pics, i moight have to download it now..hmm i like the holes
why are there so many tags with me in them??? this map is very unique and is good
holy ****, this thing is real!!! everyone try out this glitch it will make your life sooo much easier!!!!!!!!!!!...