[IMG] this one is probably one of the most original
its not so much as they are warming up for an imparticular playlist its probably that they are one of those people who need to get themselves into...
This pic was taken back when i was still an elite so please comment on what you think. [IMG]
the pic is cool but the caption is not the best and kind of ruins the moment.
if you were to be sucked up by a black hole you would be "spagetified", as in your body would be stretch out like goo. there are a sea of...
its about time this got featured!!! this map is freaking amazing!! this map is like a 10/5 the fact that this was not featured the second it was...
i think cheif needs a breath mint
it looks very good. the only downer i have about the pic is the flag in the back round sort of ruins the pic.
lol then the spartan in dreamworld is skydiving
(I'm pretty sure that I'm the first person to do something like a viewer of the situation...) this caption game is from the perspective not from...
get out of muy faking kar *****!!!!
second image - you WILL believe in gay pride or die
nooooo - awwwww i fell too far and now a hog dosent see me stuck in the sand ballarena shadow - yay snow angels!!!!111!!!!!!
meh these types of pics are getting old. if you want something original try something like these....
what do you think the worst people are... hackers. flying around the map and using auto aim. modders. making the map pitch black on the...
I am a catholic and i actually believe more in evolution because it makes more sence than god creating us. by the way... we are still evolving,...
to be honest... this is not the best pic... if the evolution is your topic... it would be better if it was the big bang... you know... the...
sandbox is my favorite map but i like the orbital one better
it looks like a smilly face
pro or electric