if you're more visual then use the link in my signature it leads to an HD video of how to post pics on forgehub.
this isn't really meant to be a serious pic but more funny... comments? [IMG]
the "lipstick case" is actually a custom made sniper bullet with his name engraved on it. also the "poem" is a quote and it says "5 feet of 5...
please rate and comment... [IMG] ps the thing around his neck is a scarf... you can see that in my other drawings posted here. pps i have never...
that might be because i was using my hand to base it off of. just by instinct i rotated my hand slightly. so that may be why it looks awkward
rate and comment please i would just like to point out that i have never taken an art class. i have done this by teaching myself. next semester i...
get my game finished. WWYDI you just got to college and your room mate was a grunt?
WWYDI you caught your significant other cheating on you with sgt. johnson? AWNSER: Say " i don't blame you, you were blinded by his awesomeness."...
well i play the impossible quiz along with the sequel when i want to strain my brain i play balloon tower defense 3 when i want to do something...
W.hat W.ould Y.ou D.o I.f rules- i would recommend that you use retail games that most people have actually heard of. if it does not qualify...
[IMG] something i drew awhile back. THIS WAS MEANT TO BE A CnC (don't mind the stuff in the playlist box)
here is a link to the where you can make your own count down timer and here is the actual count down timer.
i did not trace this but i did look at the screen looking at the bottom picture and transferred it to paper by hand. (i also added the halo 3...
this is proof that covenant weapons are truly alien... they have a mind of their own... [IMG]
guy jacks the warthog but we end up flying over the edge
if you want you can caption it. [IMG]
on standoff i was in a mongoose and was shot by a rocket and survived but my goose was spinning rabidly and the second i got out my own mongoose...
here is one of my drawings of my character, killamnjaro. if you want you can make a suggestion to on what is name really should be. (i am self...
its meh... and the katan destroys any indication of halo 1
yes... there are cops in halo and you will get pulled over for speeding. can you guess what map this was made on? [IMG]