You should send me an invite if you ever get a custom up and running on this bad boy. I'd love to give it a shot.
Instinct and tD to do big things this event. Oh and if OP replies to my post or the one above mine I ask that the thread be locked so he can't...
I disagree. On one of my practice accounts my team managed to play back to back opposing teams all below level 40 high and below 20 in MLG....
I recommend you hit up gamebattles if you want an active MLG team. I know its helped me find teams throughout the years.
I really enjoyed watching the playoffs. It was our best chance to watch semi-pro and low seeded pro teams play on what I consider a more...
First off, this new bracket setup is a joke. I assume they are doing this to shorten the total playtime of the event, but really giving the top...
A nice map. There aren't too many major problems, but as said before overall map flow is disrupted by the abundance of jumps and open lines of...
I'd like a hardcore playlists with no killstreaks please.
A very nice looking map I must say. I love your action shots, but as said before it would be nice to get a few more map shots from a few new...
There are definitely places that need interlocking, and a few bumps here and there, but still a great map. I'd love to playtest the map with you...
I assume the CTF variant you recommend for this map is MLG CTF Pit v7 correct? I'll be running customs on this tonight if I can find enough players.
I'll be running some customs on this sometime today or tomorrow if time allows.
This trick will only work for the first couple games. The players I ran customs with are quite familiar with the game and quickly learned to...
Now that I've run a few smaller scale games on the map I do have to say I'd like to see G1-G2 return, but thats really not that important. The...
I'm going to go ahead and assume you were just being sarcastic, and not overreacting and attacking me because I gave an honest criticism...
I'd love to play a 9v9 game with all players using Marathon, Lightweight, and Commando Pro. Then give everyone a Riot Shield and have a phalanx...
I don't really see how a Mauler is balanced by Custom as the Mauler is far less valuable. I could be wrong, and I'll reserve further judgement...
I've by no means mastered the move, but the basic idea is to hit the lift at a slight angle and not to run all the way into it. The moment you...
The complaints about the grav lifts are valid, but don't forget they did set them up so that "short lifting" is still possible. If you practice...
I miss my G36C, being able to be in party chat and play whatever playlist I want, and I most certainly miss the map Crash.