Right now the biggest and most legit complaint I see is that maps look like ass. The lighting system can be your best friend or worst enemy and...
Well that was a "I scratch your back you scratch mine" scenario. Plus I'll be making a youtube trailer for these as well as linking everyone that...
If you look at the files it says who created it and gives them credit. The only thing I did was fix naming / descriptions as some of these didn't...
I played this (though w/o the game type) and felt like the people who spawn in the blood gultch like base had an unfair advantage due to their...
I have a list and will do this in an update of the post, plus I'm making a Trailer for this "map pack" and adding two more tonight :) Edited by...
Hello there! I've collected the best remakes I've been able to find thus far for Halo 4 forge and uploaded them all to my file share (Jed05)!...
Nice map! Will be downloading and play testing tonight and making a Youtube video if it's as good as I expect!
Hey man, I'll be grabbing this tonight and making a youtube video showing it off (noting that it is still a "beta" version of course" if you don't...
I just sent you a PM :)