those are so good, like your other maps! please make more!
that looks like SOOOOOOO much fun! Now I'm mad that I lost Halo...
looks like hilarious fun
I think it would be fun to start climbing into the return system and delete the teleporter to play HUMAN FOOSEBALL!!! wait... that's soccer....
that looks like fun, now replaces Hobo Hieghts in Halo 3 map list
it looks like fun especially with a the interlocking
it looks like fun, but the vehicles at the beginning don't look... fair. That's probably not the right word, but it looks like there would be a...
a little sloppy but looks like fun
you spent ALOT of time on this, and it paid off! well done
it looks like it needs a little more interlocking, and maybe a little longer. 4/5
you need a direct link to the map not your file share, but both maps look amazingly fun to look at and play on 5/5
i LOVE the cave part
looks good, and I like the "Broken Highway" part.
looks cool, but it needs to be longer (or maybe it is, I only saw the pictures) for that 4/5 nice interlocking
it looks like fun, if I had friends that would follow the honor rule. lol
looks nice, especially the 2nd curve
looks really good and cool
looks cool, but needs a little more detail
I love the soccer ball cannon!
looks like fun, and I can't think of anything else except good job